A1 Course

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.

Can introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people they know and things they have.

Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

January 2019

A1 Level - 40 Hour Intensive Portuguese Course (10 days) From Monday until Friday

Schedule: 2pm to 6pm

Start: 6 January End: 17 January


A1 Level - 30 Hour Intensive Portuguese Course (10 days) From Monday until Friday

Schedule: 7pm to 10pm

Start: 6 January End: 17 January


Febuary 2019

A1 Level - 40 Hour Intensive Portuguese Course (10 days) From Monday until Friday

Schedule: 09:00-13:00

Start: 7 October End: 18 October


March 2019

A1 Level - 40 Hour Intensive Portuguese Course (10 days) From Monday until Friday

Schedule: 14:00-18:00

Start: 4 November End: 15 November


Have you already studied Portuguese?

If you have already studied Portuguese, but you are not sure of your level, you can take a Portuguese level online test without any commitment. As soon as we can, your level test will be corrected and you will receive an email with our diagnosis. In case of doubt, you may be called to make an evaluation of your orality.

Do you want to sign up right away or ask for more information?

Just leave us your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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